I haven’t been very inspired to blog lately.

During the Christmas season, spending time with family and friends was top priority. But once the holidays were over and I’ve had some time for blogging, I just felt very uninspired. Thank goodness for the weekly photo challenges. At least I can take a picture and post pretty easily.

Yesterday it snowed here in New Jersey and this morning, after receiving a text from my boss that the office was closed, I decided that today will be the day that I find some inspiration. Waking up from a nap after lunch (isn’t that what everyone does on a snow day?), I decided that I needed to go out and take pictures of the snow.

I live in a beautiful area of New Jersey and it wasn’t hard to find some lovely spots to photograph. Even though the temperature was a bit nippy, it felt good being outside. The sky was a lovely blue and by mid-afternoon the shadows from the trees grew long on the snow-covered ground.

I came home, feeling somewhat triumphant. I was pleased with my new collection of pictures as I browsed through them at my computer. But still, I didn’t feel inspired to post them though I am sure they will show up in my blog in a later post.

I grabbed my Kindle, walked into the living room, and plopped myself on the sofa, and started to lazily check my Facebook page. My three youngest kids were playing with their large collection of Legos on a table in the room. As I lay there reading, I suddenly became aware of their silly comments and happy laughter.

I then asked myself, what inspires me the most? The answer came quickly – Love.   And isn’t that what my children were exhibiting at that very moment? My children, two boys ages 16 and 13, and my little girl age 10, were happily playing with each other. They were truly enjoying being with each other.

There are times in my life, and I am sure in everyone’s life, when the mundane and the everyday routine seems dull and monotonous. Uninspiring. I forget that life is an adventure, that my life is an adventure.  I start thinking that what I do every day is the same thing every day, day after day. This is so far from the truth.

As I listened to my children’s laughter, I realized that my life abounds in inspiration. Love is the foundation of my home and when Love is the center, there is no room for the dull and monotonous.  Each day is a blessing.  Each day holds an adventure.  All I have to do is look into the eyes of Love and be inspired.
